Scatterplot of md5sums

Stupid graphs are my favorite.

So I was wondering, what would a scatterplot of all the md5sums from e621 would look like?

The first problem was getting the points that would be plotted.

    hex_to_int(substring(md5, 1, 3)) as x,
    hex_to_int(substring(md5, 17, 3)) as y,
from posts
group by x, y

I was using the hex_to_int that was found in this StackOverflow Answer by Pierre D

create or replace function hex_to_int(hexval text) returns int as $$
  (get_byte(x,0)::int<<(3*8)) |
  (get_byte(x,1)::int<<(2*8)) |
  (get_byte(x,2)::int<<(1*8)) |
from (
  select decode(lpad($1, 8, '0'), 'hex') as x
) as a;
language sql strict immutable;

This took about a minute to run, and five for the data transfer. Once I had a csv of points and count values, I used nodejs with the canvas package.

const canvas = require('canvas').createCanvas(4096, 4096);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const { readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs');

const colors = [

readFileSync('points.csv', 'utf8')
    .slice(0, -1) // removes the last newline
    .map(line => line.split(',').map(e => parseInt(e)))
    .forEach(([x, y, count]) => {
        ctx.fillStyle = colors[count] || 'pink';
        ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);

writeFileSync('./heatmap.png', canvas.toBuffer());

And there we have it, a meaningless scatterplot in all its glory. You may want to open it in a new tab. The image is 4096x4096 and is about 2 MB.